Mount and blade warband builds
Mount and blade warband builds

mount and blade warband builds mount and blade warband builds

So what about the rest of you? What builds have you tried? Which one(s) has stuck as your favorite? Speak to me of your Calradian glory! I know it wasn't much of a Herculean achievement, but I gave myself extra cool points anyhow. I pulled out my bow as I was moving to intercept and fired off a single shot that killed his horse and put him smack on the ground, giving my men all the time in the world to leisurely stroll forward and finish him off. At one point last night, after my party had mopped up most of a group of mountain bandits, there was a single mounted bugger giving two of my men the runaround. " pop up in the bottom-left corner of the screen, especially when it happens multiple times. If nothing else, it's just so much fun!ĭon't get me wrong, I still have my trust bastard sword hanging at my hip and heater shield slung across my back and love to charge into a melee and lay about those foolish enough to challenge me, but there are few things more satisfying than loosing a few shafts into the approaching line of enemies before we clash and seeing "X killed by. I'm still not good enough at it to say whether it's a viable approach to combat, but I have come to realize I seriously underestimated mounted archery.

mount and blade warband builds

Spread my skill points a bit thin by picking up Power Draw and Horse Archery in chargen, forewent my characteristic sword+mace+lance weapon load, traded my crossbow for a bow at the first opportunity and started taking the occasional bead on those poor saps unfortunate enough to face me in battle from atop my courser. Per the thread title, I've decided to branch out a bit from my conventional "Woody smash!" approach with a new character in the latest version. That said, it's been quite a while since we've had a thread on the wonderfulness that is M&B, and I had myself a blast riding about Calradia and dominating the arena circuit for cash into the wee hours of the morning last night, so I figured I'd start one up, maybe bring it to the attention of those unfortunately ignorant of the game's existence. Interested? Then check out the website, download the free trial, and prepare to be immersed in (mostly) authentic medieval awesomeness.

mount and blade warband builds

That's right, no spells or sorcery here! Standing in one place, waving your hands about and muttering arcane gibberish on the battlefield is a good way to get a sword in the face in Calradia! It's also the only game I've ever found which not only attempts mounted combat, but actually gets the feel of it (or at least what one imagines the feel to be) right. It's set in a medieval world, but it's not fantasy you'll find swords, cavalry, nobility, war, trading and other actual history aplenty, but nary a single magic missile. you know, I'm not sure how to describe it in terms of genre. First, because this is inevitably asked every time a M&B thread is posted, Mount & Blade is.

Mount and blade warband builds